Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Healthy Vacation

For weight loss, having a vacation may also ruin your weight loss program. Thus it is highly important to always keep yourself in a healthy mode to keep your weight loss program going.

Here are some tips you can do while doing a vacation in a far place outside your weight loss comfort zone.

Put together a travelers’ health kit that includes your prescribed medications, over-the-counter medication to prevent diarrhea, sunscreeninsect repellent, alcohol-based hand gels, first-aid items, and toilet items. Plan ahead and stock up on extra doses of prescription medications for longer trips.

Check local news sources for weather warnings or safety tips, or sign up for free weather alerts to your phone or e-mail, especially if bad weather is forecasted.

Extreme heat can cause a variety of illnesses and injuries. Stay safe in hot weather by keeping cool through the use of air conditioning and staying hydrated by drinking plenty of cool non-alcoholic beverages. Drink more water than normal and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink.

For More Social Media Weight Loss Tips visit The Fat Loss Factor. 

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