Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Scale Daily

Scale weight can be a useful to know and will help you informed your body fat percentage. This is important because scale weight doesn't always tell the whole story. 

Having knowledge of your boy fat percentage can give you knowledge of how much you need to lose or to know whether you're making progress with your weight loss program. These are the things that might help you in scaling daily. However you must also consider your physique and not just rely on your scale weight. You may lose body fat but gained muscles thus making your weight on scale the same. 

It was found that at 6, 12 and 18 months, researchers found tat stepping on scales daily led to restraint and lower percentage of over eating. Study also reported that it has a lower depressive symptoms at the end.

For successful dieters, daily weighting can be beneficial strategy in weight maintenance and weight loss. It will serve as daily reminder for your weight loss goals and allowing dieters to see their improvements and will surely motivate them to continue with their programs.

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